I have a 28 inch model of the 'Jubilee' in my posession, acquired on loan last weekend when I visited Sam Maynard, who raised the funds for and filmed the building of 'An Sulaire' for posterity (and amn't I glad!). She was built by John Murdo Macleod and lent as part of the An Sulaire exhibition, and here she is, still travelling the Country wowing the crowds. I've been delighted to have her here in Lyme and am showing her off to all and sundry with very positive results!
Lofting with a model at your side also takes away a lot of the pain and I've really been able to visualise what all the lines mean. The detail is stunning, tiny thwart knees, even tinier nails and the most incredibly detailed thwart pump...a joy to behold!
So her journey is not over yet, she WILL make it back to Stornoway, I'm flying up next week but am terrified of letting her go through the baggage system in anything other than a bomb-proof casket. But there's always a way around things, after all, I managed to get her from London to Lyme on a busy Saturday evening, running the gauntlet of the Tube and Rail systems. I think the look on my face must have said it all, anyone coming within touching distance was glared at severely while she rested at my over-protective feet in her rather lovely, strong paper shopping bag.
Pages 5-6 of the Scottish Arts Council published 'Glorious Obsession' give some background to the An Sulaire build along with some great photos.